Young Adult Transition Association Conference

Dr. Jessica Romeyn and Beck Gee-Cohen will be Presenting at the Conference LET’S TALK F2F:  How Technology is Impacting Young Adults The goal of the YATA conference is congruent with our mission: to support issues and practices of common interest and enhance the quality of care of the young adults and their families. The conference is a smaller [...]

Family Support Group – Brentwood

Key Transitions 11727 Barrington Ct. Suite 209, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Facilitated by Cassidy Miller, LMFT

Family Support Group – Pasadena

Offices of Dr. Gwen Palafox 1001 S. Marengo Avenue, Pasadena, CA, United States

Facilitated by Dr. Gwen Palafox

Oregon Programs

Beck and Jessica will be touring programs in Bend, Oregon. Programs include therapeutic boarding schools, wilderness, and young adult transition.

Annual Autism Symposium

The members of the Collective will be attending and presenting at the Annual Autism Symposium at the Sundance Resort, Utah.