So, your teenager is about to wrap up high school - and the big question is: what's next?

The Less Traditional Path; Insights from a College Consultant

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The Romeyn Collective is delighted to introduce our latest team member, Nina Rubinstein McDaniel. For more information about Nina please visit the website  If you would like to email her directly, We look forward to connecting with you.


The Less Traditional Path

By: Nina Rubinstein McDaniel

So, your teenager is about to wrap up high school – and the big question is: what’s next? Navigating this transition can be a rollercoaster of excitement, fear, and confusion, and it might feel completely overwhelming. For some, the path may seem straightforward, with high school graduation being the launchpad straight into college. Yet it feels like an entirely different world for many families whose child has faced twists and turns, unique challenges, and unexpected detours.

These families find themselves grappling with questions and considerations that families on a traditional road may never encounter. Is college even the right move for my child? What alternatives or options are out there beyond the conventional university route? Should we explore a gap year, and what does that really mean? Vocational school, perhaps? Maybe community college? Should my kid stay close to home, or are they ready to move away?

Then, there are questions about the schools and programs themselves. Will they truly understand my kid, and will he/she get the support and accommodations necessary? How do we find those schools or programs and navigate the complicated maze of the application process? Should we disclose our child’s differences on applications, and if so, how? Can my kid get into college despite their less-than-stellar academic performance due to a unique situation, circumstance, or life’s curveballs? Once admitted and enrolled, how do we make sure they don’t fall through the cracks and get the support that’s needed? The questions are endless. We get it.

As you surely know, neurodivergence is a broad term that refers to learning differences like dyslexia, to ADHD and executive functioning challenges, to being on the autism spectrum. Some students have faced mental health struggles, have social anxiety, or have battled addiction. Rest assured, there is a vast array of schools and programs out there with supportive environments and cultures that meet your child exactly where they are. These places nurture the whole person, understand and celebrate differences, and help students succeed and thrive academically, personally, mentally, and socially. In fact, schools and programs love to welcome neurodivergent kids and students with unique differences or untraditional pasts (this is often considered an advantage in the admissions process!)

For students on this unconventional road, there are many paths to success. With the support and guidance of a college counselor, we work together to identify student goals, explore and research various options, and chart a course that aligns with your child’s needs and dreams. Along the way, students will gain confidence as their own self-advocates, a must-have skill for college and beyond.

You are not alone – we understand you, and we will help your child navigate this exciting and pivotal time. He/She will set sail on the right path that honors those unique strengths, differences, and aspirations.