Strategies to Help with the Transition to College


As the leaves change and temperatures cool, most of us are now comfortably settled into the academic year, and we can turn our attention toward college prep and planning. Depending on the school year, there are certain tasks to consider as you help your student prepare for life after high school. Whether your student is college-bound or in need of a gap year – whether your child is on a traditional track or requires a more customized plan, in this article you will find some resources that we hope you find helpful.

What if My Teen Isn’t Ready for College?

College planning begins almost as soon as a child is born. For many parents, their child’s educational journey has a specific trajectory and pre-determined timeline—preschool, elementary school, middle school, high school, and college—one right after the other. However, what happens when you realize that your well-laid college plans are not in your child’s best interest? Maybe your young adult has difficulty with life skills such as waking up on time, making and keeping a schedule, or necessary housework. Or, perhaps your young adult would benefit from taking time away from school in favor of work experience or traveling. Get more useful information from this article on  Read the Article


12 Questioned Answered for Parents of Students Considering Community College

In the past, community colleges have carried the stigma of being “less than” traditional four-year institutions. However, community college is an excellent option for any young adult for a variety of reasons including, but not limited to, smaller class sizes, lower tuition rates, closer proximity to home, and certain professional certifications which will give them a leg up in the workforce. Another benefit of community college is the breadth of courses that allows access to either remedial or advanced courses, which is perfect for the young adult who struggled through high school for myriad reasons. Get more useful information from this article on  Read the Article

Guiding Our Children through School Transitions

As a parent or caregiver, watching your child grow and develop is one of life’s greatest joys. Parents and caregivers provide the cheering section for developmental milestones such as crawling, walking, riding a bike, and learning to drive. The milestones of high school graduation and college acceptance letters are no different; the young adult still needs the same cheering section as they had when they took their first steps. When looking toward college, it’s important to begin the transition sooner rather than later. Get more useful information from this article on  Read the Article